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> Academician
  • Zhou Xiuji
    Zhou Xiuji
    Honorary Dean of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Atmospheric physicist,Researcher、Doctoral supervisor。Former Dean of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences。
    Created and developed my country's cloud and fog physics、Atmospheric Electric、Atmospheric remote sensing、Medium -scale atmospheric physics、Mid -level atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry and other branches。Pioneering contributions to the development of the atmospheric science and meteorological cause in my country。1 item of the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award,Second prize 2 items,National Natural Science Award 2,The second prize of the major achievement Bet365 Online Live Dealeraward of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 1 item,He Liang Heli Fund Science and Technology Progress Award,National Science Conference Award and the China Meteorological Administration's Science and Technology Contribution Award。He has worked in multiple academic organizations at atmosphere at home and abroad,Hosted the National Science and Technology Research Project and 1 item of the National Climbing Program。Host and serves as chief scientist of major projects of major projects of the National Natural Science Foundation。Cultivation of nearly 70 masters,Doctor student、35 post -doctoral。
  • Chen Lianshou
    Chen Lianshou
    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,Atmospheric science experts,Researcher、Doctoral supervisor。Former Dean of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences。
    Host and designed the national TV weather forecast dynamic display business system,Host Weather Forecast Society's functional design and implementation,Make it for the first time with data retrieval、Processing treatment、Transmission distribution and other functions。long -term forecast and research on tropical cyclone,The mechanism of the impact of typhoon asymmetric structures on its movement and the interaction of different -scale circulation systems on the typhoon movement、The influence mechanism of strength and precipitation,Put forward a new point on the mechanism of typhoon path mutation,contributed to the country's disaster prevention and mitigation,and promoted international cooperation and academic exchanges in this field。The results have won many National Science and Technology Progress Awards。
  • Xu Xiangde
    Xu Xiangde
    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,Researcher、Doctoral supervisor。Former Deputy Dean of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences。
    Long -term engaging in atmospheric dynamics、Typhoon mechanism and climate dynamics、Studies in the bet365 best casino gamesfield of urban atmospheric environment。The chief scientist or project executor of the major research plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology,Hosted and implemented a number of major comprehensive observation tests and research plans for atmospheric science,Including the "August Five -Year Plan" National Science and Technology Customs Project "Yellow River Rain Science Test"、National Climbing Plan (B) "Observation and theory of the Influence of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau"、"Ninth Five -Year Plan" National Science and Technology Reporting Plan "Agricultural Meteorological Disaster Defense Technology Research"、The Ministry of Science and Technology "973" "Beijing and the surrounding areas atmosphere、Water、Principles of Turkey pollution mechanism and regulation "、Major Research Plan for Natural Science Foundation in the West and the key project of the Fund Committee "Qinghai -Tibet Plateau Impact and Water Cycle"、The Ministry of Science and Technology Plan "Northwest Ecological Climate System Research" and the Ministry of Science and Technology China and the United States、China -Japan International Cooperation and other key projects。
  • Zhang Renhe
    Zhang Renhe
    Doctor of Confucianism in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences、Dr. Research Center of the Research Center of the University of Tokyo、Researcher at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences、Former Dean and Party Secretary of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences、Deputy Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences、Director of the State Key Laboratory of Disaster Weather、The current Deputy Director Bet365 Online Live Dealerof the Science and Technology Committee of the China Meteorological Administration、In 2015, he was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
    The research field is climate dynamics,The research direction includes tropical large -scale sea gas interaction、Asian monsoon mutation、Qinghai -Tibet Plateau Meteorology, etc.。National Outstanding Youth Fund winner,The winner of the National Innovation Research Group Fund,The first batch of "New Century Million Talent Project" national candidates。More than 200 academic papers have been published,Among them, SCI (E) includes 101 publications。Posted 19 national and ministerial scientific research projects, including the National "973" project。Eight national and ministerial academic awards, including the second prize of national scientific and technological progress (ranking first)。invited to hold important positions in many international and domestic academic organizations,Multi -invited invitations to the conference on important international conferences。Long -term teaching at the Graduate College of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (now the University of Sciences) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (now the Chinese Academy of Sciences) "Higher Atmospheric Dynamics" and "Tropical Earth fluid dynamics" and won a number of teaching awards。
  • Zhang Xiaoli
    Zhang Xiaoli
    Academician, doctoral supervisor
    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,In 1995, PhD graduated from the Department of Marine Science, Nanjing University。Researcher as a researcher at the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences、Deputy Director,Director of the Atmospheric Component Center of China Bet365 Online Live DealerMeteorological Administration,Researcher at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences、Deputy Dean,The first and fifth evaluation report of the first working group of the Special Committee (IPCC) The main author of the first working group of the intergovernmental climate change main author,Chairman of the Atmospheric Composition Committee of the Chinese Meteorological Society,"Ten Articles of the Ghost State" of the Academy of Engineering、Fund Committee、Ministry of Environmental Protection、Prime Minister Fund for the general expert group of the air pollution plan。Except the chairman of the scientific guidance committee planned in the three stages of the Sandstorm International Plan,Also in other three international academic organizations-as a member of the Science Committee,It is two international SCI journal deputy editors and editors。