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Scientific research results
> Science and Technology Reward of Meteorological Bureau
Award -winning year Award level Reward name Achievement name Court signature Leaders
2019 First Prize Achievement Award for Basic Research Research in the atmosphere BCC_RAD radiation mode and air solution-climate bet365 best casino gamessystem research and development and climate effect research Second unit Zhang Hua
2019 First Prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award Lightning Strike Mechanism and Protection Test Platform R & D and Application The first unit Zhang Yijun
2019 First Prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award Research and Application of Fine Processing Analysis Technology and System (CPAS) The first unit Zhou Yuquan
2019 First Prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award Major agricultural meteorological disaster monitoring and early warning and prevention and control technology The first unit Wang Chunyi
2019 Second prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award Urban planning and ventilation corridor design climate evaluation technology research and development and application Second unit Fang Xiaoyi
2018 Other prizes The 6th Zou Jingmeng Meteorological Science and Technology Talent Award The 6th Zou Jingmeng Meteorological Science and Technology Talent Award The first unit Che Huizheng
2018 First Prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award Typhoon wind engineering demonstration technology and application based on the measured and fine numerical simulation Second unit Li Ying
2017 First Prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award my country's fog-haze monitoring and numerical forecast key technology research and development and business system establishment and application The first unit Zhang Xiaowai
2017 First Prize Achievement Award for Basic Research Research in the atmosphere Multi -scale regulation mechanism and influence simulation of climate change on vegetation productivity Second unit Zhou Guangsheng
2017 First Prize Achievement Award for Basic Research Research in the atmosphere Research on the Features of Reactive Gas Change in different areas of China The first unit Xu Xiaobin
2016 First Prize Achievement Award for Basic Research Research in the atmosphere Research on climate characteristics and changes in the process of refined precipitation in mainland China The first unit Yu Rulong
2015 Second prize Tu Changwang Youth Meteorological Technology Award Tu Changwang Youth Meteorological Technology Award The first unit Chen Haoming
2015 Second prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award R & D and Application of Thunderbolt near the early warning system The first unit Meng Qing
2015 Second prize Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award Bet365 lotto reviewWind power forecast technology and its business application service system Other Cheng Xinghong
2013 Second prize 15th Tu Changwang Youth Meteorological Technology Award 15th Tu Changwang Youth Meteorological Technology Award The first unit Zuo Zhiyan
2010 Other prizes The 2nd Zou Jingmeng Meteorological Science and Technology Talent Award The 2nd Zou Jingmeng Meteorological Science and Technology Talent Award The first unit Zhang Yijun
2007 First Prize Tu Changwang Youth Meteorological Technology Award Tu Changwang Youth Meteorological Technology Award The first unit Temperature
2006 Second prize Achievement Application Award Agricultural Meteorological Disaster Comprehensive Stock Prevention Technical Achievement Transformation The first unit Wang Chunyi
2006 Other prizes Outstanding Youth Award Outstanding Youth Award The first unit Zhao Ping
2006 Second prize Research Development Awards Key technical research of the typhoon numerical forecast mode system The first unit Shen Xueshun
2006 First Prize Research Development Awards Comprehensive technology and integrated demonstration The first unit Zheng Guoguang
2006 First Prize Research Development Awards Asian sandstorm and its numerical forecasting system The first unit Zhang Xiaowai
2005 Other prizes Outstanding Youth Award Outstanding Youth Award The first unit Effective moral
2005 First Prize Research Development Awards Grapes_Meso research design and development application test The first unit Chen Dehui
2005 First Prize Research Development Awards The development and application of CAMS Cloud Differential Mode Series The first unit Hu Zhijin
2005 First Prize Research Development Awards Development of Basic Data of Chinese Historical Climate Second unit Gu Xiangqian