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Bet365 sportsbook reviewRecent,Youth of the Academy of Vitamin won a number of honors。Let's see their style!

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To recognize advanced、Establish an example,Inspiration drives the majority of young people to accelerate the modernization of meteorological and technological capabilities and modernization of social services、Job Gong,The party committee of the China Meteorological Administration directly under the organ committee of the China Meteorological Administration carried out the selection activity of the 2022-2023 youth pacesetters,Wang Qian recommended by our hospital was awarded the honorary title of "Youth Learning Model" directly under the China Meteorological Bureau,Chen Yang was awarded the honorary title of "Youth Scientific Research Research Sports Model" directly under the China Meteorological Bureau。

Wang Qian as the head of the "Key Tips for New Meteorology of Dreams" in 2023,Lead the survey delegation to organize Bet365 lotto reviewa survey in Xiong'an and surrounding areas,The results of the survey won the second prize of the "Key Tips" of the Central and State Organs' Youth Theoretical Learning Group of the Central and State Organs。

Chen Yang for more than ten years,Focus on researching composite extreme weather and climate events,Active development of major scientific issues that are urgent to solve in disaster prevention and mitigation.,Getting a series of leadership and breakthroughs,Published on domestic and foreign publications first/communications authors SCI papers near 40 articles。

Commendation decision to point out,The majority of young people directly under the agency are diligent in their posts、Active contribution,Drinking hard in scientific research and technical research、Pioneering Innovation,Difficulty in cracking work、Dare to take responsibility for completing the task of completing the emergency and danger、Struggle,Play bet365 best casino gamesan important role in promoting the high -quality development of the weather。

Haidian Youth example

2023 "Haidian Youth example" annual collective and personal list is released,Our Academy Guke was selected as 2023 "Haidian Youth example" annual character。

Guike has long been committed to multi -scale gas solution changes and environmental meteorological impact research,It is a rising technology star in the field of environmental meteorological。Host a number of national scientific research projects,Published more than 80 SCI papers in the famous journals at home and abroad,Cumulative cumulative reference more than 3500 times,Multiple articles selected for high quotation text。I have won the Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award、Xie Yibing Youth Meteorological Technology Award、 "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" Evaluation of the Scientific and Technological Achievements of the Meteorological Industry since the Outstanding Award、Excellent QingAnnual Award and other honors。Selected to the Beijing Science and Technology Association Young talent support project、China Institute of Meteorological Sciences High -level Talent Training Plan。

The majority of young people in the hospital should take the advanced typical example of the commendation,Endurance、Yongxing forward,Strengthening the mission,Give full play to the role of promoting high -quality meteorological development of young people's "strong force" and "assault team",In order to accelerate the modernization of meteorological and technological capabilities and modernization of social services、Establish new merit。