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> Second Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Comprehensive Scientific Investigation Research "West Wind-Mestwriting Coordinated A role and its environmental effects" special work progress conference was successfully held in Beijing

      April 20-21, 2024,The second Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Comprehensive Scientific Investigation Research "West Wind-Mestwriting Coordinated Activity and its environmental effects" special work progress conference was successfully held in Beijing。From the Institute of Meteorological Sciences、Institute of Best slot on Bet365Qinghai -Tibet Plateau Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences、Peking University、More than 30 experts and scholars from 18 units including Nanjing University and Lanzhou University attended the meeting。

      Researcher Zhou Guangsheng, the person in charge of the topic first introduced the overall goal of the topic、Key assessment indicators、Comprehensive performance evaluation and relevant requirements for special acceptance,It is pointed out that the purpose of this meeting is to prepare for the subject acceptance。The 20 -level special person in charge of the 17 participating units reported the five -year overall work progress、Highlights、Funding Practice and Next Work Plan,Focus Best slot on Bet365on checking the lack of missing and missing for the requirements of the task book,The assessment index stipulated by the task book is successfully completed。The meeting and discussed the results of the subject acceptance and the possible problems that possible encounters,The meeting pointed out that the task units must focus on the main five -year overall research goals and assessment indicators of the target topics,Summarize the completion of the condensed task (including research progress、The paper published by the first labeled、Data exchange、Atlas、Model、Scientific Examination Report、Research Report、Highlights、Application bet365 best casino gamesDemonstration、Talent Training, etc.) and the implementation of funding,Prepare for the deployment and implementation of the materials at the same time,Complete the special scientific examination target with high quality。  



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