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Talent Team
> Zhao Yanxia

Basic information:Zhao Yanxia, ​​female,Born in 1968,Dr.,Second -level researcher at the Chinese Institute of Meteorological Sciences。

Research direction:Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural meteorological disasters、Agricultural Meteorological Disaster Risk and Insurance、Climate change agricultural impact and adaptation、Coupling of remote sensing information and crop models

 Introduction to instructor:

      Doctor of Confucianism at Peking University,Second -level researcher at the Chinese Institute of Meteorological Sciences,China Meteorological Bureau's high -level scientific and technological innovation talent plan-The meteorological leaders,Chief Scientist, Chief Scientist of Financial Bet365 lotto reviewMeteorological Innovation Team of China Meteorological Bureau、Director of Meteorological Risk and Insurance Joint Open Lab,"Fourteen Five -Year Plan" National Key R & D Plan Project "Crop Drought High and Low temperature disaster warning prediction and prevention and control technology research and development and integration demonstration" chief scientist,"Fourteen Five -Year Plan" National Key R & D Plan Project "Typhoon、Flood Disaster Chain Main Disaster Key Technology and Standard Research and Application Demonstration "Consultant Expert。ChinaMeteorological Service Association-Deputy Chairman of the Financial Insurance Professional Committee,Agricultural Insurance Branch of the China Agricultural Risk Management Research AssociationVice bet365 best casino gamesChairman。Long -term influence of agricultural meteorological disasters、Risk recognition and evaluation,Research and Demonstration Application of Meteorological Insurance Service Technology,Studies in the fields of climate change impact and adaptation。Hosted the completion of the national and provincial -level projects10 items (including the National Science and Technology Support Plan、Industry Special、Fund on the fund, etc.),Not onlyParticipate in the person in charge of Chinamajor international project led by UNEP, it also contributed to2018The Academy of Vitamin and the United Nations Environment (UNEP) Signing a cooperation agreement. Published a scientific papersMore than 100 articles,Publishing monographs for nearly 10 parts。Participated Bet365 sportsbook reviewin the "Main Grain Crops Major Agricultural Meteorological Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Disaster Monitoring and Prevention Technology" won the first prize of scientific and technological progress of the Chinese Meteorological Society,The title of Advanced Personal Honor of the major meteorological service of the China Meteorological Administration。