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> Zhang Xiaoli was elected as the first working group of the seventh evaluation cycle of IPCC

July 25th to 28th,IPCC's 59th Plenary Session held in Kenya's capital Nairobi,The meeting carried out the new round of IPCC's new round of evaluation cycle chairman to change the election,Participating from 161 IPCC members in the world attended the meeting。Deputy Director of China Meteorological Administration Bi Baogui led the Chinese delegation to attend the meeting。

Local timeJuly 27,Voting for the Special Committee (IPCC) voting for the intergovernmental climate change of the United Nations,Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering、Researcher Zhang XiaoliElectedIPCC seventh evaluationcycleIPCC-R7)Joint Chairman of the First Working Group,This is the fifth consecutive election of Chinese representatives。

Scientific assessment of climate change is an important basic work for human society's understanding and response to climate change,It has always been highly valued by the Chinese government,inIPCC previous presidium members recommend it,Preferred top scientistsburdenRenIPCC First Working Group Joint Chairman。For a long time,Chinese scientists have completed the work of co -chair in the best,It continues to provide strong scientific support for adapting and slowing climate change。Zhang Xiaoyu has long been committed to and pioneered human activity to affect weather and climate change.。Since 2001,HeActively participateIPCC and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) work,Published more than 400 articles in related fields。In the past ten years,Zhang Xiaoli in its scientific field web of scienceBefore reference ranking1%。

Zhang Xiaoli said,The co -chair of the first working group in the first working group cannot be separated from the national trust and heavy trust,He will shoulder the major mission of human social science to respond to climate change,According toIPCC Working Principles,Actively organize the seventh climate change scientific evaluation work,Make more scientific contributions with scientists from various countries。

According toIPCC's 57th Plenary Session Draft,The size and quota allocation of the new chairman's group is consistent with the sixth cycle,1 person Bet365 lotto reviewwith chairman、Vice Chairman 3 people、Six joint chairmen of three working groups and 22 deputy chairmen、Listing task group joint chairman 2 people,A total of 34 people。

This conference elected Dr. Jim Skea in the UK as the new chairman,Ladislaus B. Chang’a from Tanzania、Diana ürge-Vorsatz from Hungary and Ramón Pichs-Madruga from Cuba was elected vice chairman。Zhang Xiaoyi and Robert VAUTARD) Dr.) was elected as the joint chairman of the first working group。