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Party mass culture
> All cadres and employees of the Academy of Vitality actively watched the opening meeting of the 20th National Congress of the Party,In -depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th meeting of the party

October 16,The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing,The Party Committee of the Academy of Vitamin actively organizes all cadres and employees to listen to the opening meeting of the 20th National Congress of the Party,In -depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th meeting of the party。

Requirements for the prevention and control bet365 best casino gamesof the epidemic,All units、Combination online and offline of each party branch,Organize all cadres and employees to listen to the live broadcast of the party's 20th National Congress,Listening to the report of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Cause warm response。Member of the majority of party、Cadres have said,The Connotation of the 20th National Congress of the Party is rich,Entrusted! Since the 18th National Congress,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Historical achievements in the cause of the party and the state、Historical changes occurred,Created Bet365 Online Live Dealerthe great achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era。Looking back to the road,I feel excited for the glorious achievements of ten years of hard work;,hope for the bright prospects of the great rejuvenation。

All cadres and employees of the Academy of Vitality will further study the 20th spirit of the party,Unified thoughts and actions into the decision -making deployment of the Party Group and the Party Group of the Party Central Committee,Adhere to deepening reform and innovation and development,Adhere to high -level technology self -reliance,Contribute to the achievement of the high -quality development of the meteorological bet365 best casino gamesindustry to contribute science and technology wisdom and strength。

The Office of the Party Committee (Personnel Office) contribute