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> The Party Committee of the Academy of Vitamin held the 2022 Democratic Life Meeting

2Month 10th,The Party Committee of the Academy of Vitamin held the 2022 Democratic Life Meeting,close to the "comprehensive implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,Deep understanding of the decisive significance of ‘two establishment’,Enhance ‘Four Consciousness’Bet365 lotto review、firm ‘four self -confidence’、Do ‘two maintenance’,Unity and leading party members and cadres to implement the theme of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with the spirit of the masses of party members and cadres,Comparison of the 20th spirit of the party and party constitution, party rules and regulations,Careful checking the question,Analysis of party spirit,Criticism and self -criticism seriously,Clarify the thinking and direction of rectification。Secretary of the Party Committee、Dean Duan Yihong presided over the meeting,Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ministry、The Fourth Supervisor Group of the Party Group of the China Meteorological Administration attended the meeting to guide。The person in charge of the relevant management department of the hospital attended the meeting。

To open this democratic life meeting,Before the meeting,The Party Committee of the Academy carefully studies the formulation plan,In -depth study, discussion, discussion and talk,Members of the leaders of the college hosted the heads of the units and the secretary of the branch、Youth Representatives and Hospital Party Style and Clean Government Supervisors、Three symposiums including the backbone representative of technology,Positive and smooth channels,Category listening to opinions and suggestions,Lay the foundation for the opening of democratic life。

The meeting notified the rectification of the Democratic Life of Democratic Life of Party History and Education、Implementing the rectification of the "Notice"、The preparations of this democratic life meeting and the suggestion of soliciting opinions。Comrade Duan Yihong on behalf of the leadership team of the hospital for control inspection,After that,Team members speak one by one,Tightly connect with the actual work and work,Seeking truth from facts to check the gap and deficiency,Deeply analyzes the root cause of the problem,Put forward the next step of rectification ideas and measures。

Fei Wenge, deputy leader of the Fourth Supervisor Group of the Party Group of the China Meteorological Administration, pointed out in the comments: First,The Party Committee of the Academy of Vitamin carefully plan the deployment of the work of this democratic life meeting,Program rigorous specifications,Standardous action standards are in place,The requirements for opening a good democratic life meeting,Make enough preparation,Is a high -quality democratic life meeting。Second,The Party Committee of the Academy of Vitality is in this Democratic Life Conference,Best slot on Bet365Always implement strict standards and real requirements,Political standing high,Deep inspections,The actual situation of the Academy of Vitality is closely connected,Persist in problem orientation,High -quality control inspection materials have been formed; they criticize each other between the teams and seriously、Kai Chenggong,To strengthen its own construction for the party committee,Better performance and fulfilling responsibility played a good role in promoting,reached unified thoughts、Gel force、Purpose of unity and forge ahead。

Work on the next step,Comrade Fei Culture Grand Revolution emphasized: the core of the Democratic Life Association is to solve the problem,Eventually it will fall on "Change"。The Party Committee of the Academy of Vitality must do a good job of rectification and implementation,For the finding problems,List the rectification list,Establish a rectification plan,Decomposition and rectification task,Clear rectification measures,Proposal rectification time limit,Implement responsibility to people,Solve the existing problems one by one。According to requirements,Within 15 days after the democratic life meeting,Submit the relevant situation to the personnel department Bet365 lotto reviewand the party committee of the organs,and inform the situation of democratic life within a certain range。

Zhu Tao, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Ministry of Resources, gives full affirmation of the Democratic Life of the Party Committee of the Patriotic Academy of Vitality,and put forward guiding opinions。

Comrade Duan Yihong expressed his gratitude for the guidance of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Ministry of Resident and the Fourth Supervisor of the China Meteorological Administration,and represent the leadership team of the Party Committee of the Academy of Vitality,It will follow the guidance,Do a good job in the Democratic Life Meeting、The formulation of rectification plans and task implementation,Implement the rectification results into the specific work of promoting the development of the Academy of Vehicle。

The Office of the Party Committee (Personnel Office) contribute