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Party mass culture
> Deepen the study of new skills based on the job — cadres of the Institute of Gas Sciences to learn about the 20th spirit of the party

11month 16,Party branches (youth theoretical learning group) of the Academy of Vitality of the Academy of Vitality held a collective learning meeting,In -depth study of the 20th spirit of the party and the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's 70th anniversary of the 70th anniversary of the new China,Combined with the actual thinking of the Academy of Vitality as a functional department how to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party into actual work,Promoting the "Outline of Meteorological High-quality Development (2022-2035)" various tasks to implement in the Academy of Vitality,Provide protection for the high -quality development of meteorological technology。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy of Vitality、Discipline Inspection Party Secretary Li Hui, as a branch leader in the contact authority, invited to participate,The Secretary of the Party Committee Office (Personnel Office) Branch Yu Fei presided over the meeting,Party members and cadres Best slot on Bet365of the institute、All young cadres participate in learning。

The secretary of the party branch of the agency has led the 20th spirit of the party、The resolution of the Chinese Communist Party Constitution (Amendment)、General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of the 70th anniversary of the new China ’s meteorological career,Also led young cadres to learn from Xi Jinping's recent letter to China Aviation Industry Group Shen Fei "Luoyang Youth Assault Team"。Ren Ruiqi, as the leader of the youth theory learning team of the organs, led everyone to study the words of the youth in the 20th National Congress and General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been in the youth。

Secretary Li to the cadres of the organs,Especially young cadres propose three hopes,First, to enhance the initiative of learning,A firm ideals and beliefs; the second is to practice the ability of a person to start a business,Responsibility; Third, to strengthen the consciousness of integrity and self -discipline,I have touched the strong Bet365 lotto reviewwind。Point out,As a cadre of the functional department of the organs,We must continuously improve your ability,Dare to control、More to be controlled。We must continue to carry out normalized style construction、System Construction,Construct a scientific and reasonable institutional system,Make the management work more or more orderly in accordance with regulations,Help our college's scientific and technological innovation work achieve greater results,Promoting the high -quality development of meteorological technology cause。I hope everyone will take the study of the 20th spirit as an important task for the present and the future.,Continuous learning、Follow school,Frequently learning and new,Continuously improved the political battle position,Promoting the job to build new skills。

Government young cadre Zeng Yao、Zhang Muqi、Wang Fang、Liu Xuanyu combined with the actual post,Exchange learning experience。Everyone thinks that the 20th National Congress has put forward Bet365 sportsbook reviewearnest hopes for young people,This is the call of young comrades in the times,The requirements for young cadres。Living in the background of the new era,Young cadres are responsible for the glorious mission given by the times,As a vital force for the development of the cause of the party and the country,To strengthen ideals and beliefs in learning and understanding,Delicate Gao Yuan,Hope to be down -to -earth,The foundation of the thought of thriving growth ,Contribute youth wisdom to the high -quality development of the meteorological cause。

The Office of the Party Committee (Personnel Office) confession