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> Qingdao Marine Meteorological Research Institute publicly recruited fresh graduates of colleges and universities in 2023

Qingdao Marine Meteorological Research Institute is the China Meteorological Administration and the People's Government of Shandong Province、Qingdao Municipal People's Government Construction,Chinese Institute of Meteorological Sciences、China Ocean University、Bet365 Online Live DealerR & D institutions jointly opened by the Shandong Meteorological Bureau and Qingdao Meteorological Bureau,It is a special zone for national marine meteorological technology innovation platform and the Chinese Meteorological Administration's scientific and technological innovation policy。Research Institute based on international standards、The overall positioning of the national position,Demand for the construction of a marine power,Facing the cutting edge of the world's marine meteorological technology,For the protection of marine resources and economic development,Carry out marine meteorological science research、Observation test、Monitoring Forecast and Marine Meteorological Services Core Technology Research,For the National Maritime Disaster Prevention and Disaster and Mitality、Economic Activity、Ocean Meteorological Services Provide Technology Support。

The research field of Qingdao Marine Meteorological Research Institute includes marine meteorological disaster mechanisms,Marine Meteorological Observation Theory and Technology,Marine Meteorological Monitoring and Forecast Technology、Method,Key technologies for marine meteorological services and risk assessment,Key technologies for the development of marine climate resources and marine meteorological services。We will provide good scientific research Bet365 Online Live Dealerconditions and training measures for young science and technology personnel,Promote the growth and development of young talents。

One and 2023 Demand Plan

job nature

Working direction

Education requirements

Professional needs

Professional and technical positions

Study on Observation and Test of Marine Meteorological


Atmospheric science (atmospheric detection),

Meteorology and related majors

Marine Meteorological Monitoring Forecast Technology R & D



Satellite remote sensing,

Numerous forecast and related majors

Study on the Meteorological Disaster Mechanism



Marine Meteorology and related majors

Marine Meteorological Navigation Service and Technology R & D


Meteorology, navigation science and algorithm -related majors

Remarks: The approval of the specific number of recruitment plans or above is accurate

2. Application of basic conditions and registration methods

(1) Basic conditions for graduates apply for

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Comply with national laws and regulations,Have good ideological and moral quality,physical and mental health;

3. Have a good dedication、Team collaboration consciousness and communication ability,Have a strong learning、Innovation consciousness;

4. Fresh graduates from ordinary colleges and universities in China,Graduation certificate when graduation report、Degree Certificate and Employment Certificate;

5. Academic qualifications that have compatible with job requirements、Professional or skill conditions,Body conditions that meet the requirements of the post。

bet365 best casino games(2) Registration method

Resume receiving is mainly electronic version,You can submit your resume through the following two ways to deliver to our hospital,Two delivery methods can be selected for one。Resume receiving deadline is December 31, 2022。

(1) Send my resume and attachment materials toRestshi_cmaqd@163.com。Annex can include research results、Thesis is on、Certificate of commendation and reward。

(2) Resume and email file name, please name according to the following rules:

Name-Education-Application position-school full name.

3. Recruitment procedures

(1) Release recruitment announcement

In China Meteorological Bureau、Chinese Institute of Meteorological Sciences、Meteorological Talent Recruitment Network and related recruitment websites release recruitment announcements。

(2) Registration and qualification review

Candidates submit resumes in accordance with the announcement of the registration method,Qingdao Marine Meteorological Research Institute conducts qualifications for qualification conditions that meet the basic conditions of applicants。

(3) Interview

Interview according to the needs of specific positions,The professional knowledge required for the main assessment position、Business ability and comprehensive quality。

(4) Examination and physical examination

Determine the inspection object according to the interview results,Examination content includes ideological and political performance、Best slot on Bet365Moral quality、Comprehensive Quality、Academic performance、Research Paper、Social practice, etc.。Organizational intended to receive personnel for medical examination,The medical examination items and standards are determined by the current general standard for the medical examination of the public service.。

(5) Confirm the list of admission and publicity

List of publicized personnel to the public as required。According to the results of publicity,Determine the official hire person,Standards the employment procedures。

4. Contact information


Contact number: 010-68408109/0532-7701551