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> Write to write atmospheric dreams to the top of the world-the third atmospheric science test on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

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Qinghai -Tibet Plateau,Standing on the top of the earth with towering majesty,Win the title of "Range Range",Her average Bet365 lotto reviewaltitude above 4000 meters,There are 11 peaks with an altitude of more than 8000 meters above sea level,All stand on the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau。The Qinghai -Tibet Plateau has

Snowy Snow Peak,Crystal and dazzling glaciers and blue lakes,Green grass on the grassland,Granglon with a group of yaks and sheep ... There are too many landscapes that attract us here,Everything makes people fascinating。In the eyes of a weatherman,Qinghai -Tibet Plateau also has a huge attractiveness! She is the most complicated large plateau in the world,With unique weather and climate characteristics,More importantly,She not Bet365 lotto reviewonly to China、For Asia,and globalAtmospheric circulationThe formation of weather and climate has an important role.

& emsp; & emsp;、Under the joint promotion of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,After more than ten academicians、More than two hundred domestic and foreign experts in the past four years of discussion and demonstration,"The Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Science Test (TIPEX-III)" was officially launched in 2013,Nearly 50 participating technicians participating in the experimental unit adhering to "hypoxia without fighting spirit,Bet365 Online Live DealerThe spirit of higher levels of altitude ",After eight years of overcome difficulties,I have achieved rich scientific research results,Write the atmospheric dream with innovation,The development of the Qinghai -Tibet area with results,Use action to interpret the responsibility of the weather person。

Information Release time: December 12, 2020