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Party mass culture
> The General Branch of the Retirement Party Visit the Party Style and Clean Government Publicity Exhibition

The General Branch of the Retirement Party Visit the Party Style and Clean Government Publicity Exhibition

May31Day,All members of the Retired Party of our hospital、The secretary of the retirement branch went to the first floor of the climate center to visit the "letting system grow teeth jointly Bet365 lotto revieworganized by the 12th Academy of Vigatics,The theme exhibition of the discipline with power "。

    In order to continue to advance the work of party style and clean government and anti -corruption work,Combined with the Meteorological Department No.18Personal party style and clean government propaganda education month "one -in -one、Can't rot、I don’t want to rot,Consolidate the development of anti -corruption overwhelming victory " Activity theme,The organizer organized the "let the system grow teeth,Let Disciplinary Power "Exhibition。Discipline is the party’s lifeline,It is the rules Bet365 Online Live Dealerof behavior that the organizations at all levels and all party members must follow,Through visiting the exhibition, everyone is strictly disciplined,Building a ideological defense line,With a high mental state, continuously pushing the party to the party to deepen the party。

Old comrades are listening to explanations while watching the case and text,Interrupted the interpreter from time to time and conducted in -depth exchanges on the issues interested in it。The old comrades who visit the exhibition are very touching,I believe that although I am not in the current position,But as a party member, you have to listen to Best slot on Bet365the party、Take the party,Be a qualified party member,Don’t forget the original intention、Keep in mind the mission,Always remember your own party member identity,Dare to fight against the evil spirits。

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