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Bet365 lotto review> Our old cadres participated in Taijiquan performances

Our old cadres participated in Taijiquan performances

May15Day,The retired cadre of the bureau's courtyard Taijiquan performance is held at the training center playground,Bureau、All units directly sent a team,A total of more than a hundred old cadres participated in the performance。

The Taijiquan team of our hospital participated in the show, the performance boxing style is Yang's40formula. Perform Tai Chi in all old comrades24After the Bet365 lotto reviewformula, Six appearances in the sequence of teams of the Academy of Vitality。In the soft background music, the team members are quiet and loose、Slowly comfortable,One move and one type of action coherent,Stop stable in Tai Chi、Uniform and soft、stretching generosity、The continuous features are vividly expressed。To fully show the spiritual appearance of the old cadres of our hospital and the charm of Tai Chi,Bet365 Online Live DealerThe team members started drills two months ago,Resessment also invited Teacher Pang Zhendong as a coach for technical guidance。

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To enrich the sports and cultural life of the old comrades,Promote the National Fitness Activities,The retired cadres of the big courtyard perform Tai Chi performance every year。The development of Taijiquan fitness activities was strongly promoted through the performance activity,helps to promote excellent Chinese traditional culture,At the same time, the old comrades also showed the sun、upward,A positive mentality of love life。

(Supply of Retirement Office)