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> Special inspections of the leadership team of the Academy of Vitality, inspection, inspection and rectification of the special democratic life meeting

20193month29Day,The Academy bet365 best casino gamesof Vitamin Holds the Special Inspection and Inspection of the Leadership Team of the Academy of Vitality,。The meeting is deputy secretary of the party committee、Dean Duan Yihong chaired,All members of the leaders of the college attended the meeting。Li Lijun, Director of the Party Group Inspection Office of the China Meteorological Administration、Li Jizhi, deputy director of the Comprehensive Division of the Inspection Office, attended the meeting to guide。Courtyard Office、Technology Department、Personnel Office、Planning Office、The person in charge of the party office attended the meeting。

Special Democratic Life Meeting,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy of Vitality、Deputy Dean Wang Chunyi first notified the preparation of the special democratic life meeting,and on behalf of the party committee team for a control check,Construction of grass -roots party organizations around special inspections and inspections、Specific problems in the implementation of the spiritual implementation of the eight central regulations and the supervision of Bet365 Online Live Dealerthe "four assets" supervision,Combined with the actual work and work,Comprehensive claim Question,Deeply analyzes the root cause of the thought,Clarify the direction and measures of rectification。Members of the leadership team conduct personal control inspection and self -criticism,Participants carried out mutual criticism。

Comrade Li Lijun, Director of the Party Group Inspection Office of the Bureau, comment,I believe that the leadership team of the Academy of Sciences focuses on special inspections and inspections and found problems,Actively organize centralized study and discussion before the meeting,Deepen the talk,Carefully write the control check material,Make full preparations;,The party committee team and team members investigate and claim the problem with sincerity、Analysis of the root cause of thought,Criticism and serious criticism between members of the team、Kai Chenggong; solid rectification measures,Push the rectification determination firm,It is a high -quality special democratic life meeting。Li Lijun emphasized,Guided Bet365 sportsbook reviewby Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Taking the party's political construction as the lead,Constantly explore new measures for integrating scientific research business to grasp party building work,Combining expansion of autonomy、Performance evaluation pilot reform,Solidly promote the implementation of various rectification tasks in place。To achieve rectification without leaving white,The relationship between the stock and incremental increase,Balanced promotion of various tasks of rectification,Regular reports of inspection and rectification progress,Strictly prevent paper rectification、false rectification。

Secretary Wang Chunyi expressed his gratitude to the guidance of the party group inspection office in the summary,And on behalf of the party committee of the hospital,will adhere to political leaders,According to the general requirements of party building work in the new era,Further in -depth study and understanding of Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the Bet365 lotto reviewnew era,Firmly establish the "Four Consciousness",Carefully fulfill "one position and two responsibilities"。The Party Committee of the Academy of Vitality will strengthen the implementation of responsibilities,Strengthen supervision and inspection,Strictly control the rectification plan,Grasp the inspection and rectification mission at the time node,The effectiveness of the special inspection and inspection and rectification is implemented to the promotion of the academy of the Academy of Vitality and strictly govern the party、Deepening reforms and technological innovation development。